English Sphere of the National Congress of Afghanistan ،

The first national assembly of the Afghan National Congress

The National Congress of Afghanistan advocates for democracy, justice and equal citizenship and defends national interests and human rights in Afghanistan.

The founding principles of the NCA are thus based on five important principles, namely freedom, the national interest, the rule of law, democracy and human rights. The NCA believes that these key principles ensures that all individuals enjoy equal rights without any discrimination.

The purpose of the rule of law and democracy is to defend natural law, human and civil rights so that peace, national unity and the rule of law can be achieved in Afghanistan.

The aim of the NCA is therefore the establishment of a non-ideological regime and the acquisition of human rights to put an end to discrimination based on class, race, ethnicity, tribe, religion and/or gender.


  a ligature of a series of insightful speeches by the president of the National Congress of Afghanistan, Issa Eshaghzey, discourse with the students of the American faculty and the students of Kabul, in which the challenges and solutions mentioned were discussed.

  In October 2013, a ligature of a series of insightful speeches by the president of the National Congress of Afghanistan, Issa Eshaghzey, discourse with the students of the American faculty and the students of Kabul, in which the challenges and solutions mentioned were discussed. The goals of the NCA in light of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and Libertarianism, whose purpose is to protect people's morals, honesty, and human values, do not have a single form in different societies. Humanity has been fighting to defend natural rights, freedom, democracy, and equality for centuries. People have reached their destination by following different paths: achieving independence, democracy, and equality. In the 20th century, the stubborn and prominent opponents of freedom everywhere were authoritarian, totalitarian, and totalitarian racial, sexual, class systems, and later religious radicals. Therefore, freedom seekers must clarify their thoughts and strengthen their institutions. The word freedom is used in some countries, so the opponents want to misdefine its essence and hide its content, which is the natural defense of human freedom. The different forms that the model of freedom and equality has taken in liberty Western countries result from the historical conditions and national characteristics of those countries. With this description, the basic principles of liberty remain the same in all these countries. But to see why this is so, it is better to start with its literal meaning and then its historical importance. The word freedom in European languages is derived from the Latin word Liberalist from Liber, meaning freedom, which means worthy of a free man or generous, this word was used in the Middle Ages and Renaissance in the expression Liberal arts, "free industries or worthy of a free man or generous)" the word freedom in the new era With the progress of the world and more people's desire for freedom, the old meaning of freedom itself, with all its semantic burdens, will gradually find itself with the earth. 4 Libertarianism as a philosophical military does not degrade to a closed military with fixed principles and inevitable change. Libertarianism can be accurately described as an attitude toward life and its issues, emphasizing freedom for individuals, minorities, and nations. The relationship between libertarianism and the concepts of freedom, legal equality, the government's protection of the civil rights of citizens, freedom of thought, rationalism, religion, and progress, which from the point of view of the National Congress, the primary purpose of the government is to protect the freedom, equality, and security of all citizens, for this reason, the republican government is based on the government. It is the law, the law approved by the legislators who were elected in free elections. It has been this deep concern in libertarianism for individual freedom that has inspired the opposition of this thought to absolute authority. The fundamental principle of free will is the moral value of total value to the inherent dignity of human personality. According to this principle, each person should be treated as an end in himself and not as a means to advance the goals and interests of others. Freedom to protect the rights of individuals and representatives has been given great importance to limit the power of the government. These rights are known by different names, such as "civil liberties," "natural rights," and "human rights." According to the American Declaration of Independence, it is the right to "life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness." According to the French Declaration of Human Rights, it is the right to freedom, security, and resistance against oppression. In the section of theories that are "dedicated" to the formation of the mind of freedom, this question is asked how the free order with all its consequences came into being" and the answer of the Enlightenment-era thinkers whom we read this question "legislative point of view" then a short reference to the philosophy of John Locke (1632- 1704) and his famous book called Two Treatises of Government 1690), who spread the productive thoughts of political freedom in Europe and the world. Sometime later, Montesquieu (1689-1775) played a significant role in creating a free and democratic government by presenting the separation of the executive, legislative and judicial branches. Based on one of these scientific views, experience, and social values of history, Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) put forward the theory of the people's sovereignty. In the concept of freedom and its history, we read that Rousseau's great help in forming and establishing a free and democratic government is teaching public governance, manifested in public voting. 5 With the revolution of 1688 in England, a government was formed for the first time in which the National Council or Parliament was considered the supreme power of the government. This inviolable matter is an essential and fundamental principle in political freedom today. This Parliament took a big step in the growth of space by approving freedom of religious belief and canceling press censorship in 1695. In this way, conditions arose in that country that led to the organization of political parties. The government was therefore formed by voting and not by force. And in this way, the right to oppose the government was born from the struggle of the parties, both to enter the Parliament and to oppose the government. That means that the general election shows which party is ruling, so opposition to the government was recognized as a legal right. The process of raising libertarianism shows itself in the Constitution of the United States of America. In its subsequent amendments, the freedom of religion, the press, and the formation of associations were guaranteed. The denial of the appointment of a national church created a fundamental basis for separating the church from the state or, in other words, religion from the government. The American Constitution greatly influenced the growth and expansion of freedom worldwide. We should also mention the French Revolution, which strengthened the foundations of liberty. In 1789, the Constituent Assembly of France approved the Declaration of human rights and civil rights, according to which the goal of all political communities is to preserve the natural and inalienable human rights, which include freedom, property, security, and resistance to oppression, according to the third article of this declaration. The nation is the source of every government. No person or group can have authority that is not explicitly taken from the nation. In the middle of the second decade of the 19th century, the freedom system was established in England, France, and America. Although the governing systems were different in these countries, all these systems were loyal to the basic principles. These basic principles were: 1- Legislation by legislator representatives and elected by qualified voters. 2- Supporting civil freedom or natural human rights. 3- The right to peaceful opposition to the government. Inside and outside the Parliament, the government is constitutionally free or based on the constitution, which is meant to prevent tyranny, changed through freedom. Between 1815 and 1870, freedom established itself with the help of the middle class in the Western world and was able to remove absolute or autocratic governments and install freedom. The first stage of this expansion and establishment is called classical freedom, 6 which happened in France. At this stage, all human beings were considered equal and free and had equal civil rights, but their political rights were not equal. In other words, the condition of wealth was determined to vote, which turned the bourgeoisie into the ruling class. Consolidation of economic freedom with capitalism was the most critical policy that was pursued to the detriment of workers in this period. Most of them thought that freedom was only the ideology of the capitalist and ruling class of society. For example, we can oppose the formation of unions. Due to its interest in the middle class, classical freedom was not expected to encourage and win the democratic forces that were emerging. Therefore, the popular movement for men's suffrage emerged, which first asserted its will in the United States of America and the northern states. A guild was named. All men were allowed to vote in that country's north and western provinces. And, of course, the working class in Western Europe demanded similar rights and got them by threatening revolution and the support of conservatives in England. At the end of the 19th century, in many Western countries, all men had the right to vote, regardless of wealth. That is how the period of freedom and democracy or freedom and democracy began, which meant that people would achieve greater equality in economic and social life. Among the initiatives of this period, it is possible to point out the establishment of public primary schools and the authorization of labor unions. The beginning of the social security system should also be considered in this period. Freedom and democracy began to implement the policy of government intervention in economic matters for the benefit of industrial workers. The workers had the right to vote and civil liberties, but they were poor and helpless until the satisfaction and dissatisfaction of Kasterde were manifested in the growth of socialism. The masses were not satisfied with the rulers and were poor. The forerunner of Germany's social reform was that France and Great Britain followed Germany's example from 1906 to 1914 for different reasons. These countries recognized the government's responsibility for the economic well-being of workers. Social freedom and the government that implemented it was the welfare state, which took over the government in almost all of Western Europe between the First War and the middle of the 20th century. The welfare state intended to provide more security and prosperity for everyone. Social reforms became a complementary and necessary part of national life. The scope of social security expanded, and labor unions gained a lot of power and influence. The welfare state announced new rights, which included the right to work, the right to a living wage, the right to rest and leisure, the right to access all levels of education, the right to equal opportunities for advancement regardless of race, religion or nationality of these new rights were included in the fundamental laws after the war of France, Italy, and Germany. The formation of freedom and its establishment in England, 7 France, Germany, and the United States have been diverse and sometimes contradictory. For example, while libertarianism in England had historical roots and was influenced by the Christian faith in all its stages, French liberalism had a non-religious development. In its long history, freedom has been ups and downs to the left and right in the economic field. But the political freedom that emphasizes the individual's freedom and the consideration of his natural rights has spread and closed in every direction. In the last decade of the 20th century, due to various political and economic reasons, such as the collapse of the Soviet empire, economic recession, the use of self-working machines in factories, the decrease in the level of employment, and the high and almost unaffordable cost of the social security system, the continuation of the welfare state policies were questioned. Took so that a large part of it is gradually left aside. For example, while at the beginning of the eighties in Germany, there was a demand for a thirty-five-hour work week, today, there is talk of a 42-hour work week. Paying the tuition fee of the schools that progressed for free or reducing the coverage of the medical insurance that has been implemented. Whether it is in the interests of children's rights in the family, lack of employment of children and heavy work of pregnant women, or in the political scene in every corner of the world. If in the 19th century, the issue of individual rights and freedom was discussed only in Western Europe and the United States, today, it is one of the issues raised and at the center of attention from Latin America to Southeast Asia and the Middle East. And sometimes, economic backwardness and socialism have caused such cases it has a better background for socialism or nationalism than freedom. Still, in Japan, where capitalism has successfully expanded, it has a collective character and does not have an individual character. For example, Japanese industries benefit more from the motivation of traditional theories, group loyalty, and duty, and do not follow the individual's interests. Again, experience shows that freedom and democracy are successfully growing there. It was in the 19th century that industrial capitalism became interested in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. But with the collapse of feudalism, people faced wider choices and social opportunities. They were encouraged, perhaps for the first time in their lives, to think clearly for themselves and about themselves, for example, a peasant whose family may be above this during his lifetime. A piece of land has been cultivated. Another person is free and has abused this ability to choose whom to work for. He may leave the land entirely and bring it to the expanding cities to work. With the failure and collapse of feudal life, a new intellectual environment emerges. That means that reasonable and scientific explanations are gradually replacing traditional religious theories. 8 And society is increasingly understood from the point of view of a human being. We know that each person has unique personal qualities, each of which has a particular value, which is evident in the development of the theory of natural human rights in the 17th and 18th centuries, which was defined by John Locke as the natural rights of man, which include the right to life, the right to liberty, and the property right. They wanted freedom in opposition to absolute power and challenged the illegitimate authority based on dictatorship. Instead of absolutism, they introduced the constitutional government and later the representative government. They criticized the libertarianism of the landlords' aristocratic political and economic privileges and the unfairness of the feudal system in which social status is determined based on accidental birth. In addition, it is clear that people still need to benefit from the benefits of freedom, and humanity has a long way to go to reach it. Today's democratic changes are not only left in Europe and America, but the struggle for freedom in Mahatma Gandhi's efforts in India to gain independence not only won India's independence but with all the multitude of ethnicities and religions that exist in India, with the plan Freedom with the help of people with wisdom have built such a democracy that slowly the concept of ethnic and religious differences gives way to the citizenship rights of the citizens of India. Nelson Mandela in Africa was able to eliminate the oppression of racism because of the equal rights of African citizens. The national congress of Africa, which consisted of national political elites and educated youth, guaranteed the rights of the African people in the right to equal vote in South African elections. Hundreds of freedom fighters in Asia, Latin America, and different countries are fighting to achieve this dream. Complete libertarianism has shown its form in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This declaration, a standard of a common achievement for all people and nations, was approved by the United Nations General Assembly on December 10, 1948, and has recognized the most significant rights, equality, and freedom for human beings. If we look at the history of our own country of Afghanistan, we know that freedom came with the movement of constitutionalism and liberty and the Afghan youth movement, the Amani movement, which not only appealed to the independence of Afghanistan but also the first constitution of 1923, which was presented by Shah Amanullah, in It was the first time that the word "citizen" was associated with the natural, human and civil liberties of the people. However, during the freedom movement, our country has been attacked by 9 religious fanatics and, extremists and, anti-modernism, communist agents, and sometimes even with the help of extreme left and right in an unholy front, they have prevented the establishment of peace, national interests, modernity and natural, human and civil freedoms of the people in the society. The National Congress of Afghanistan (NCA) program defends the rule of law, democracy, freedom, and human rights according to the description these concepts have received in history as described above. The protection of free democracy is not only one of the basic principles of the NCA but with the belief in the right, freedom, and justice and a rational method with enlightenment and unity with the people and regional and global allies, especially the West. The law has reflected the separation of ideology from the government in defense of women's human rights. It also facilitated the evasion of the law and the repelling of extremist groups, violence, and war-mongering. It provided the basis for a system based on law and democracy and the provision of national interests, and the realization of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in which all Afghans have equal rights to build a free society and Modern and advanced as a steadfast ally of libertarian and humane values with Western countries, like South Korea, Singapore, advocates, and human rights defende
International Women's Day was celebrated on March 8 with the presence of representatives of the Central Zone, political and civil activists and defenders of human rights and national interests of Afghanistan at the National Congress in Bamyan province of Afghanistan, and a congratulatory message for the women of Afghanistan, the region and the world from the head of the National Congress. Afghanistan Mr. Issa Eshaghzey about the need to fight for the fundamental and human rights of girls and women, especially in Afghanistan, which is in line with national interests and human rights, should be provided and guaranteed by law.

Celebrating March 8 International Women's Day with the presence of representatives of the North and Northeast zones, political and civil activists and defenders of human rights and national interests of Afghanistan in the National Congress in Baghlan province of Afghanistan and a congratulatory message for the women of Afghanistan, the region and the world from the President of the National Congress of Afghanistan, Mr. Issa Ishaqzai about the fact that there should be a struggle to ensure the fundamental and human rights of girls and women, especially in Afghanistan,  with national interests and human rights, are provided and guaranteed by law.

The message of Issa Eshaghzey, President of Afghanistan National Congress, was presented by Ms. Shaisteh Ahmadzai, President of Baghlan Provincial Council, and representatives of the North Zone on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of Afghanistan National Congress. In this message, the struggle for the basic goals of the National Congress in support of national interests, freedom, human rights, especially the fundamental and human rights of girls, women and all citizens of Afghanistan, has been emphasized and re-agreed with the rationality and honesty of this message. The authentic national and humanitarian struggle should continue. 4- october 2023


A message was presented by Mr. Zahiz Ahmad Wali, a member of the leadership team of Nangarhar National Congress, on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Afghan National Congress, October 3, 2023, for the purpose of fighting for freedom, national interests, and human rights.

  • The message of Issa Eshaghzey, President of the National Congress, on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the General Assembly of the National Congress of Afghanistan, by Mrs. Hamida Mohseni, the head of the provincial council of Bamyan and the central zone of the National Congress of Afghanistan, for defending freedom, national interests and human rights, and especially supporting the basic and human rights of girls, Renan and everyone. Citizens of Afghanistan. 1 OCTOBER 2023


The speech of Mrs. Hamida Mohseni, a member of the Supreme Council of the National Congress of Afghanistan, on the occasion of March 8, International Women's Day 2023 in Afghanistan in order to defend the fundamental and human rights of women in accordance with the goals of the National Congress of Afghanistan to secure national interests and the World Declaration of Human Rights to fight honorably, nationally and We continue humanly. 8 - March 2023

In  Province kandahar  , the message of Issa Eshaghzey, President of the National Congress of Afghanistan and the leadership of the National Congress was presented by the head of the Province of Kandahar  . Representatives of the Afghan National Congress (ANC) Women's rights activists mark the 8th anniversary of the ANC General Assembly in   province in support of national interests, freedom and human rights inProvince Herat  Afghanistan.October 2022                       






In Bamyan province, the message of Issa Eshaghzey, President of the National Congress of Afghanistan and the leadership of the National Congress was presented by the head of the Bamyan Provincial Council, Mr. Gibran. Representatives of the Afghan National Congress (ANC) Women's rights activists mark the 8th anniversary of the ANC General Assembly in Bamyan province in support of national interests, freedom and human rights in Afghanistan.October 2021

In Baghlan province, the message of Issa Eshaghzey, President of the National Congress of Afghanistan and the leadership of the National Congress by Mr. Mohammad Monir Member of the Leadership Council and Chairman of the Northern Zone of the Afghan National Congress on the occasion of the eighth anniversary of the General Assembly of the National Congress of Afghanistan. In support of freedom, national interests and human rights in Afghanistan were presented.October 2021

                In  Province Nangarhar  , the message of Issa Eshaghzey, President of the National Congress of Afghanistan and the leadership of the National Congress was presented by the head of the Province of Nangarhar Mr Ghairat Mel  . Representatives of the Afghan National Congress (ANC) Women's rights activists mark the 8th anniversary of the ANC General Assembly in   province in support of national interests, freedom and human rights inProvince Nangarhar   Afghanistan.October 2021                          

In  Province Herat  , the message of Issa Eshaghzey, President of the National Congress of Afghanistan and the leadership of the National Congress was presented by the head of the Province of Herat  Esmail Mashwane  . Representatives of the Afghan National Congress (ANC) Women's rights activists mark the 8th anniversary of the ANC General Assembly in   province in support of national interests, freedom and human rights inProvince Herat  Afghanistan.October 2021

In  Province kandahar  , the message of Issa Eshaghzey, President of the National Congress of Afghanistan and the leadership of the National Congress was presented by the head of the Province of Kandahar  . Representatives of the Afghan National Congress (ANC) Women's rights activists mark the 8th anniversary of the ANC General Assembly in   province in support of national interests, freedom and human rights inProvince Herat  Afghanistan.October 2021

In  Province Balkh  , the message of Issa Eshaghzey, President of the National Congress of Afghanistan and the leadership of the National Congress was presented by the head of the Province of Balkh Mr Asdula Azez  . Representatives of the Afghan National Congress (ANC) Women's rights activists mark the 8th anniversary of the ANC General Assembly in province in support of national interests, freedom and human rights inProvince Balkh  Afghanistan.October 2021



At the invitation of Issa Eshaghzey, President of the National Congress of Afghanistan, participated in the Congress of European Parties for Freedom and Democracy in Brussels, the center of the European Parliament, and met with leaders of political parties, members of the European Parliament, Foreign Ministry and former and newly elected leaders of European political parties And Belgium


The meeting with IssaEshaghzey president of the Afghan National Congress to Prince Reza Pahlavi, of Iran, was held in London on June 13, 2019. Both sides have expressed concern about the threats and dangers of religious extremism, corruption and dictatorial structures in the region, and the serious struggle for a definitive defeat of terrorism and extremism, which is a serious threat to Iran, Afghanistan and the region, and the establishment of a system Based on law and democracy as a way to save the people of both countries in accordance with the Declaration of Human Rights and the struggle based on human and democratic values, which is a historical imperative. Re-promote their cooperation and coordination and continue to emphasize. For the sake of the rule of law, freedom, national interests and human rights in Iran and Afghanistan, the region and the world, they can defeat the mafia and extremist groups and open the way to non-ideological, human and democratic systems.


On June 8, 2019, Ms. Mariam,Wahad the Afghan National Congress Leadership Team, met with Mr.Kumi Naidoo Secretary-General of the Amnesty International and Human Rights. The meeting discussed the goals of the National Congress in the struggle for freedom, democracy and human rights that was welcomed by the Secretary-General of Amnesty International and the emphasis on cooperation in protecting human rights.  

Mr Philippe De Backer Member of the European Parliamen ،with Issa Eshaghzey president of the National Congress of   Afghanistan participated in the 12th Congress of the Liberal Democratic Party of the Constitutionalist Party of Iran. and talked about the support and necessity and the alliance for freedom,democracy and human rights.                               

Mr Philippe De Backer Member of the European Parliamen ،with Issa Eshaghzey president of the National Congress of   Afghanistan participated in the 12th Congress of the Liberal Democratic Party of the Constitutionalist Party of Iran. and talked about the support and necessity and the alliance for freedom,democracy and human rights.   
15/9/2018  .                                            

Message of the Governing Council of the Afghan National Congress

Aug. 20, 2018

To: His Excellency Antonio Guterres Secretary-General of the United Nations
On 10th of August terrorist Taleban attacked the historical Afghan city of Ghazni, which in 2013 has been declared the capital of Islamic culture in the Asian region. They killed hundreds and hundreds of people, and destroyed government structures and private houses. Like before 2001, the purpose of Taleban is to settle in Agfhanistan a regime against democracy, human rights and legality, and to turn the country into a center of international terrorism as a threat to the whole world. The National Congress and the people of Afghanistan strongly condemn such a terrorist attack on the city of Ghazni, and express deep grief for the innocent victims and concern for the international situation.

Best Regards.

Issa Eshaqzey

President of the Afghan National Congress.

Afghan National Congress strongly condemns to the intercontinental Kabul Hotel attack religious extremist،but the weak and corrupt government cant guarantee the security of citizens.
Leadership Board of the National Congress of Afghanistan، Terrorist attacks and brutal and religious extremists in Nice, France strongly condemns

, and deeply condoles with the France Nation. The National Congress, an organization for democracy and human rights, ensures to th France people the brotherly sympathy of the people of Afghanistan, which for more than thirty years have been suffering terrorist violence. In such a painful moment our two nations feel themselves even more united against any terrorism and fanaticism in support of peace and freedom.
Best Regards,
 Issa Eshaghzey

the President of the National Congress of Afghanistan

To his Excellency  Prime Minister Charles Michel, of  Belgium

The National Congress of Afghanistan strongly condemns the terrorist attacks in Belguim, and deeply condoles with the noble Belgium Nation. The National Congress, an organization for democracy and human rights, ensures to the Belgium people the brotherly sympathy of the people of Afghanistan, which for more than thirty years have been suffering terrorist violence. In such a painful moment our two nations feel themselves even more united against any terrorism and fanaticism in support of peace and freedom.
Best Regards,
 Issa Eshaghzey
the President of the National Congress of Afghanistan

 22_3_ 2016

Dear Issa Eshaghzey the president of the National Congress of Afghanistan at the Congress of the Liberal Democratic Party was invited in Belgium .The Congress had met with the Mis Gwendolyn Rutten  president of the Liberal Democratic party of Belgium And with regional parties and representatives in Europe visit And reaffirmed United against the threat of religious extremism and decided to fight against corruption And struggle for democracy and human rights .

 Mr Issa Eshaghzey president of the Nationa Congress of Afganistan and prince Raza Pahlav President of the Iran National Council and  Mr Dr Akmal First- ever President of the Liberal Democrat Party of Iran The three leaders pledged to their national interestsprotect democracy and human rights


Meeting with President of the National Congress MPs Europe

On the 15th of January 2016, Mr. Issa Eshaghzey the President of the Afghan National Congress  met with Mr.Philippe De Backer, and Ms.Anne Van Aperen a senior member of the European Union in Belguim. During the meeting, the two leaders discussed the painful situation emanation from war and corruption as well as the danger of radicalism On a regional and global threat. The two sides  stressed the need for cooperation and unity between the NCA and  and the European Union towards the defense of a government based on  democracy and the rule of law and holding a transparent and democratic elections and upholding  human rights against the armed warlords, corruption and radicalism in Afghanistan. It was decided that they would struggle together for the attainment of the above goals and mutually beneficial interests.


Dear Issa Eshaghzey President of the National Congress of the New Year 2016
Peace and freedom to the people of Afghanistan, the region and all humanity wished

To His Excellency François Hollande, President of the French Republic
The National Congress of Afghanistan strongly condemns the terrorist attacks in Paris, and deeply condoles with the noble French Nation. The National Congress, an organization for democracy and human rights, ensures to the French people the brotherly sympathy of the people of Afghanistan, which for more than thirty years have been suffering terrorist violence. In such a painful moment our two nations feel themselves even more united against any terrorism and fanaticism in support of peace and freedom.
Best Regards,
 Issa Eshaghzey
the President of the National Congress of Afghanistan
14_11_ 2015


 December 27, 2015
Dear abdul Qader Rasuly  deputy prime  of the National Congress of Afghanistan Mr. Abdul Ghafari, head teacher Coordination Unit National Congress in Burka district of Baghlan province of Afghanistan, visited the office of the National Congress about threat  religious extremism and the fight against corruption and the threat of terrorism in our country talk If accepted, it is stated that the teacher Ghaffari an influential and charismatic character has been benevolent in 1392 joined the National Congress a decisive role in popular uprisings against  terrorists and the Taliban and other insurgents have  the entire district from harm and terrorists are protected.

He is extremely popular in Burka district could attract thousands of people to the National Congress policy and to build together. To protect our national interests and human rights 

Burka district of Baghlan province of Afghanistan, thousands of people joined the Afghan National Congress،

National Congress leadership decapitation 7 civilians who had been held hostage by religious radicals .this crime against humanity  strongly condemns, mercenary groups from all people, especially national personalities, parties and organizations and human rights defenders of the nation's demand to perpetrators who incite extremist groups and regional and international mafia and civil servants is due to the ethnic and religious divide between people. Identify and punish them for their debate at national and international courts
The National Congress of Afghanistan This decision is based on The main principals of the party which is the defence the rule of law and Democracy

Brutal crime against Miss Rkhshanh and miss farkonda in Afganistan is Crimes against humanity  in the 21st century is really shameful for the government and human rights officials

The woman did not sin unless Islamic extremists for having the love of a man who wanted to marry him                                   

Miss,Sajida Melad speech to about second anniversary of member of the Supreme Council of the National Congress at the third plenary session of the Supreme Council on 3th october in 2015 to support the capital of national and human right meeting basic report that the honorable messenger Mr Rasuly Vice president of the  national Congress forces to unite and defend the rule of law and democracy for peace and human rights of women have given their opinion, she trained birth history as a journalist and women's rights activists that censorship of the threat of press freedom and civil liberties defects on human rights that we have always supported it because it to Struggle, 
October 2015

The third session of the Supreme Council of the National Congress for the defense of national interests and human rights with the opening statement Mr. Rasuly  deputy prime of the National Congress of Afghanistan was held in Kabul   
October 2015

          Happy second anniversary of the National Congress

-More than 37 years of national struggle and human concise report to the National Congress held the first public collection
-The first call for solidarity committee called home in 1992 to fight against the crimes of the religious right and left groups in violation of UN programs and coup deta against the policy of national reconciliation that the destruction of Afghanistan, especially in Kabul. The destruction of the armed forces and the Afghan government and political institutions. 
-Conference Coordination Committee in 1996 to mobilize people, especially national forces and Liberal to fight against Taliban extremists - and the danger of radical religious conspiracy by foreign countries, especially Pakistan and Iran
-Conference Coordination Committee, which in 1997 led to a broad alliance of progressive forces for peace and the fight against extremism was –
Homegrown peace fronts of political parties and social alliance in
 the peace front and libearal democrat party of The Afghanistan  President Issa Eshaghzey meeting with Liberal democrat party and social democrat party at conference in center Europe Brussel
-In 1999 Congress political party Front for Peace, Human Rights and Democracy in Afghanistan
-Great Congress of the Liberal Democratic Party and the peace front home in 2000 for national unity and liberation forces against the extremist Taliban and establish a state based on law and democracy in Afghanistan
    12 - 7 - 2001
National Congress of Afghanistan  -seek EU, s help for AFGHAN Solution
Frontier post (NNI). rhe Afghanistan National Democratic Party has urged
the head of the European Parliament to play her role in the resolution
of the Afghan conflict, reports said here on Friday According to bbc
the Leader of the Party Issa Eshaghzey met the head of
the European Parliament, Mrs Nicole Fontaine in Belgium on Peaceful and
Political means of the settlement of the Afghan conflict
The head to the Party Eshaghzey Issa that his meeting in the
headquarters of the European Parliament in Brussel was based on a
formal invitation
He said that during his meeting with Mrs Fontaine he presented his
party,s stand on the warring factions and urged the EUROPEAN
PARLIAMENT to help his Party in restoration of peace
Eshaghzey ISSA said that now they want the formation of a national
democratic government in Afghanistan

-The peace alliance of Congress in 2003

-Democracy and human rights conferences parties, especially the Liberal Democratic Party in 2004 in Belgium for religious radicalism repel threats and conspiracies against  radical Iran and Pakistan in the region For Democrace and human rights 

- President liberal Democrat party  of Afghaniustan issa Eshaghzey met Belgium Parliament in2005 For rule of law and holding a transparent and democratic elections and upholding  human rights against the armed warlords, corruption and radicalism in Afghanistan. It was decided that they would struggle together for the attainment of the above goals and mutually beneficial interests. 

-in 2006 Conference of the democratic party the emergence of the unholy alliance of the extreme right in Afghanistan, it is made it all the more incumbent upon the supporters of democracy and human rights to unite In the light of the above, the Liberal Democratic Party of Afghanistan based in Belgium, have called a meeting under the agenda of: Defence of Democracy and Human rights vis a vis Totalitarian and Dictator regimes. Participants in this meeting will be members of the Constitutional Monarchy Party of Iran, The Liberal Democratic Party of Belgium VLD, the Democrat Party of Afghanistan, Ex Afghan Senators and a large number of Afghan residents, supporters of democracy and human rights
-Subscribe to Congress Liberal Democrat parties in Central Europe 2010 in support of democracy and human rights
2009 at Italy

Issa Eshaghzey, the President of the National Congress of Afghanistan .  meeting with Beatrice Lorenzin member of the Italy Parliament and leadership of the Liberal Democrat Party of Italy .On the 11th of March 2009

 ISSA Eshaghzey the President of the National CONGRESS of Afghanistan met with Ms Lorenhn member Leadership of the Dem Italy and member of the Italian Parliament in the house of the parliament in Rome. At the beginning of the meeting Mr. issa Eshaghzey spoke a bout the painful socio - political situation of war, terrorism, and repression in Afghanistan and the region. Mr. Eshaghzey stressed the need for further co-operation and support of the Italian parliament to the Afghan patriots and national and democratic forces of Afghanistan towards bringing about to power of a regime committed to democracy, human rights and the rule of law in the country. Subsequently, Ms Lorenhn expressed her support and the support of the Italian Dem to the  Dem Afghanistan in the fight against terror and for democracy and human rights in Afghanistan. The meeting ended in an atmosphere of full understanding and lasting co-operation between the two sides aimed at repelling the dangers of terrorism 
and repression in Afghanistan and the region

Issa Eshaghzey President of the National Congress of Afghanistan in 2011, a large meeting was held in Germany share and Democratic parties and national figures Afghanistan to fight for peace and against corruption and the war in Afghanistan

Issa Eshaghzey President of the National Congress of Afghanistan in 2012 was
meeting with pro-democracy groups and human rights in America, Australia and Canada steam struggle against the corrupt government in Afghanistan and the fight for the rule of law and democracy

Issa Eshaghzey President of the National Congress of Afghanistan in 2013, meeting the teachers and students of Kabul University and University of America in Afghanistan and met with representatives of youth organizations from 19 provinces of Afghanistan for the defense of democracy and human rights




world declaration of human rights
Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,
Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people,
Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law,
Whereas it is essential to promote the development of friendly relations between nations,
Whereas the peoples of the United Nations have in the Charter reaffirmed their faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person and in the equal rights of men and women and have determined to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom,
Whereas Member States have pledged themselves to achieve, in co-operation with the United Nations, the promotion of universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms,
Whereas a common understanding of these rights and freedoms is of the greatest importance for the full realization of this pledge,
Now, Therefore THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY proclaims THIS UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS as a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations, to the end that every individual and every organ of society, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and international, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance, both among the peoples of Member States themselves and among the peoples of territories under their jurisdiction.

Article 1.

  • All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

Article 2.

  • Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.

Article 3.

  • Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.

Article 4.

  • No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.

Article 5.

  • No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

Article 6.

  • Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law.

Article 7.

  • All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.

Article 8.

  • Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law.

Article 9.

  • No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.

Article 10.

  • Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him.

Article 11.

  • (1) Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence.
  • (2) No one shall be held guilty of any penal offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offence, under national or international law, at the time when it was committed. Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time the penal offence was committed.

Article 12.

  • No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.

Article 13.

  • (1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state.
  • (2) Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.

Article 14.

  • (1) Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution.
  • (2) This right may not be invoked in the case of prosecutions genuinely arising from non-political crimes or from acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.

Article 15.

  • (1) Everyone has the right to a nationality.
  • (2) No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality.

Article 16.

  • (1) Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution.
  • (2) Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses.
  • (3) The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State.

Article 17.

  • (1) Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others.
  • (2) No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.

Article 18.

  • Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

Article 19.

  • Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

Article 20.

  • (1) Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association.
  • (2) No one may be compelled to belong to an association.

Article 21.

  • (1) Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives.
  • (2) Everyone has the right of equal access to public service in his country.
  • (3) The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures.

Article 22.

  • Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization, through national effort and international co-operation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality.

Article 23.

  • (1) Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment.
  • (2) Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work.
  • (3) Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection.
  • (4) Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.

Article 24.

  • Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay.

Article 25.

  • (1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.
  • (2) Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.

Article 26.

  • (1) Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.
  • (2) Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace.
  • (3) Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children.

Article 27.

  • (1) Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits.
  • (2) Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author.

Article 28.

  • Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized.

Article 29.

  • (1) Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible.
  • (2) In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society.
  • (3) These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.

Article 30.

  • Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.
  • -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
·        issa Eshaghzey president of the National Congress of Afghanistan by members of the National Congress in Europe
    Our struggle continues for democracy and human rights

Monsieur François Hollande, Président de 

la République Française,

C'est avec une immense tristesse que j'exprime aux Françaises et Français, toute ma sympathie, suite au geste criminel et barbare commis sur la rédaction de Charlie Hebdo.

Ce drame nous rappelle à nouveau à quel point il est urgent de considérer l'aspect international de la menace des réseaux djihadistes et de développer une stratégie globale en s'alliant avec les démocrates du Moyen-Orient, triste berceau de la médiatisation du radicalisme religieux. Combien faudra t-il encore de victimes avant que nous comprenions que la solution passe inévitablement au travers d'une union entre tous les défenseurs des droits de l'homme, au delà des frontières et de la politique.
Mais aujourd'hui, en ce jour de deuil national, je tiens à adresser toutes mes plus sincères condoléances aux familles des victimes. 
Issa Eshaghzey
Président du Congrès National d'Afghanistan


National Congress President's meeting with a senior member of the European Union

On the 7th of November 2013, Mr. Issa Eshaghzey the President of the Afghan National Congress  met with Mr.Fabrizio Gicchito, the President of the Liberal democrats of Italy in the Italian parliament and a senior member of the European Union at parliament building in Rome. During the meeting, the two leaders discussed the painful situation emanation from war and corruption as well as the danger of radicalism in Afghanistan. The two sides  stressed the need for cooperation and unity between the NCA and Italy and the European Union towards the defense of a government based on  democracy and the rule of law and holding a transparent and democratic elections and upholding  human rights against the armed warlords, corruption and radicalism in Afghanistan. It was decided that they would struggle together for the attainment of the above goals and mutually beneficial interests.

          Big Assembly of the national congress of  Afghanistan                        

National Congress of Afghanistan

On this day, the 3rd of October 2013
Kabul, Afghanistan

The text of the speech to the participants of the National Congress of Afghanistan
 Issa Eshaghzey, the first elected
​President of the NCA.

National  Congress  of  Afghanistan

In the name of God, the Almighty and the Administer of Justice,

On this day, the 3rd of October 2013, there shall be marked a milestone for 
Afghanistan, and it remembered as a bright moment and turning point in the journey of 
our great nation.  This day, this morning’s dawn shall see Afghanistan start on the path 
toward peace and prosperity, toward a government that is based on the rule of law and 
democracy, and toward rejection of wars and corruption that have profoundly 
threatened Afghanistan for far too long.

I am proud to declare that on this day, under the roof of this hall, we have an impressive
gathering of over two thousand Afghan delegates from different walks of life,
hailing from 34 provinces of Afghanistan, from major cities and from remote
villages.  This gathering includes religious scholars, elders, chiefs, academics, university
doctors and professors, high ranking diplomats, ex-army generals and officers, women,
youth, school teachers, students, entrepreneurs and businessmen, farmers and
workers, union representatives, leaders of political parties, social
foundations and civic societies, parliamentarians and senate members, all
representing tens of millions of Afghans.  

The men and women who have attended this National Congress of Afghanistan strive
together to bring an end to war, ensure peace and reject corruption, and will
endeavor for a government based on the rule of law, reflecting the national
interest of Afghanistan while safeguarding human rights.
 Issa Eshaghzey, having been duly and democratically elected by you as the first
president of the National Congress of Afghanistan, in my capacity as the
president would like to declare and pledge from this noble podium, in this
national and historic congress of the people of Afghanistan, to the people of
Afghanistan, and to the world at large, that I will bravely and valiantly
struggle and defend the national interest of this great nation, promote democracy
and human rights, and repel violence and extremism.  I will endeavor for
lasting peace and dignity for Afghanistan and its people.

On this day, I call upon the people of Afghanistan, and the defenders of peace and humanity
in the region and the world community, to support the National Congress of
Afghanistan for its historic struggle toward building true democracy and
protecting human rights in Afghanistan.  The realization of NCA’s objectives will
result in restoration of peace in Afghanistan, and will put an end to the violence 
and war that has plagued the region. 

Persistence of weak governance, chronic insecurity, and rampant corruption based on 
greed further exacerbated by top-down power grab in a culture of impunity and
injustice that is sustained by a narcotics-based economy have all but decimated
Afghanistan’s vitality.   Total dependence on foreign economic aid, flagrant violation
of human rights, and grinding poverty under massive unemployment are the dark
achievements of the current inept government.

As a consequence, the idea of national sovereignty for Afghanistan has become a
work of fiction, or a bad joke, one that has disintegrated into a reality ruled
by warlords, not to mention Taliban extremists.  Our people, our children, our homes have
fallen victim to and suffered this menace of lies on a daily basis.   But I’m here to pledge 
that we will, together, put an end to this dark story that does not belong in our future.  
We, the people of Afghanistan, demand the restoration of sound and balanced 
governance based on the rule of law and justice.

The National Congress of Afghanistan therefore, calls upon all nations, and the 
social and political organizations that champion peace, freedom and justice for all
humans, to unite against ideological and dictatorial regimes that are posing
existential danger to peace and security in Afghanistan and the world.  

On this day, let us as Afghans, and as the world, unite and together stand against 
violence and corruption so that we as Afghans, and as the world community, can perform
our historical and moral obligations toward our people and our world. 
On this day Afghanistan is the beacon of the world.  


National Congress President's meeting with a senior member of the America

On the 12th of September 2013, Mr. Issa Eshaghzey the President of the Afghan National Congress  met with Mr.Robert Gibbs obamas Spoksperson , the two leaders discussed the painful situation emanation from war and corruption as well as the danger of radicalism in Afghanistan. The two sides  stressed the need for cooperation and unity between the NCA and America  and the European  towards the defense of a government based on  democracy and the rule of law and holding a transparent and democratic elections and upholding  human rights against the armed warlords, corruption and radicalism in Afghanistan. It was decided that they would struggle together for the attainment of the above goals and mutually beneficial interests.

National Congress of Afghanistan MET EUROPEAN  PARLIAMENT      

   12 - 7 - 2001
National Congress of Afghanistan  seek EU, s help for AFGHAN Solution
Frontier post (NNI). rhe Afghanistan National Democratic Party has urged
the head of the European Parliament to play her role in the resolution
of the Afghan conflict, reports said here on Friday According to bbc
the Leader of the Party Issa Eshaghzey met the head of
the European Parliament, Mrs Nicole Fontaine in Belgium on Peaceful and
Political means of the settlement of the Afghan conflict
The head to the Party Eshaghzey Issa that his meeting in the
headquarters of the European Parliament in Brussel was based on a
formal invitation
He said that during his meeting with Mrs Fontaine he presented his
party,s stand on the warring factions and urged the EUROPEAN
PARLIAMENT to help his Party in restoration of peace
Eshaghzey ISSA said that now they want the formation of a national
democratic government in Afghanistan


Issa Eshaghzey, the President of the National Congress of Afghanistan .  meeting with Beatrice Lorenzin member of the Italy Parliament and leadership of the Liberal Democrat Party of Italy .On the 11th of March 2009

 ISSA Eshaghzey the President of the National CONGRESS of Afghanistan met with Ms Lorenhn member Leadership of the Dem Italy and member of the Italian Parliament in the house of the parliament in Rome. At the beginning of the meeting Mr. issa Eshaghzey spoke a bout the painful socio - political situation of war, terrorism, and repression in Afghanistan and the region. Mr. Eshaghzey stressed the need for further co-operation and support of the Italian parliament to the Afghan patriots and national and democratic forces of Afghanistan towards bringing about to power of a regime committed to democracy, human rights and the rule of law in the country. Subsequently, Ms Lorenhn expressed her support and the support of the Italian Dem to the  Dem Afghanistan in the fight against terror and for democracy and human rights in Afghanistan. The meeting ended in an atmosphere of full understanding and lasting co-operation between the two sides aimed at repelling the dangers of terrorism and repression in Afghanistan and the region

The Program of the National Congress of Afghanistan 

The National Congress of Afghanistan  is a political and Social organization aimed at achieving national interest and democracy.rule of law and human rights in Afghanistan and struggles through the fulfillment of its proposed duties towards the attainment of peace, security, reconstruction, renovation and modernization in Afghanistan. Due to this very reason declares and presents to the people of Afghanistan this program which has been compiled taking into account the national and humanistic nature and structure of the afghan society from the point of view of the beliefs and ethnicity of the people keeping inline with the spirit of democracy, human rights and the achievement of the rule of law in the country and calls upon all the members of the the National Congress of Afghanistan to fulfill these goals and proposed duties
In The Political Sphere
The National Congress of Afghanistan .based on its taughts and policies for the sake of tackling scientifically and concretely the present situation that prevails due to the political, economic, social, cultural backwardness of the Afghan society and the reconstruction of the country has gathered and compiled the proposals for the defense and achievement of national interest, consolidation of independence, territorial integrity, national sovereignty, democracy, independent and non violent expression of peoples beliefs, pluralism, laying and consolidating the basis of civilized society and the observation of human rights and struggles for their realization
- The political philosophy of the National Congress of Afghanistan is based on the achievement of the national interest  the rule of law and democracy. We believe that the history of the struggle for the attainment of emancipation and independence in the civilized society that resulted in achieving democracy and endorsement of the world declaration of human rights is the main pillar and basis of a real democracy in the world. The struggles of the people of Afghanistan for constitutional reforms were also part and parcel of such world struggles
- One of the principals of our struggle is the observation and pursuance of the policy of non-violence. We disapprove a policy that brings about bloodshed. Our Natonal Congress of Afghanistan will never approve such policies, our NCA will always struggle for the achievement of its goals on peaceful basis
- We believe that putting an end to fighting and. the restoration of peace and reconstruction of the country can only be achieved if the principles of democracy and human rights, the participation of all the people and peaceful tendencies are strictly observed. Therefore we call for an immediate end to the rule of gun, repression and warlordship in the country this constitutes one of the goals of our struggle
- Everyone is entitled to their political and other beliefs provided such beliefs are of a peaceful nature and respect the basic rights of an individual. Nobody has the right to threaten anybody else
- Nobody should be threatened under the name of political crime and be cleansed. The upholding of a political opinion is not considered to be a crime. In order to put an end to the policy of violence in the society we must abolish the term political crime and also abolish execution that is degrading and an insult to humanity
- The National Congress of Afghanistan invites and calls upon all the parties, political organizations and national intellectuals in favor of democracy and the democrats of Afghanistan to form a front and struggle for peace and democracy against the fanatical extremist and war mongering forces which cause serious obstacles towards the restoration of peace and democracy and reconstruction in Afghanistan
- We believe that the realization of democracy and the rule of law are the only way of achieving national interest, reconstruction and the building of an advanced society in the country. The.NCA of Afghanistan aimed at achieving justice, fully defence the rights and liberties of individuals that are reflected in the world declaration of human rights and pursue the policy of non violence in all spheres and will struggle for its achievement. The defence of independence, national sovereignty and territorial integrity of an integral and non-dividable Afghanistan is one of the principal goals of our NCA. We believe all are equal and have equal rights. It is our desire to place the rights of individuals in the center of our political thinking and constitute all state powers from all individuals of the society. Efforts for achieving progress and advancement and raising the political, economic, social and cultural level of the society is a national commitment. It's our desire to endeavor and get rid of backwardness and reach the contemporary world level. The NCA struggles for the attainment of the rule of people in Afghanistan. On the basis of our thoughts and party policies the determination of the kind of government through a referendum or free and fair loyagirga (Grand National assembly) is the mandate of the people of Afghanistan. It is up to the people to decide which type of government they would like to choose. As far as we are concerned the essence of the government must be legal, legitimate, elected and parliamentary. And it should take place through a free, fast and direct election in an atmosphere free of gun and warlords interference
- It is essential that the people of Afghanistan be given the right of citizenship in the constitution. The real meaning of citizenship is not just limited to being the resident of a city but it also means subject of a country and reflects the rights and entitlement of individuals too. On the basis of which an individual will have the right to actively participate in the installation or removal of a government, demanding the accountability of officials and the procurement and endorsement of the legislation. Therefore the meaning of citizenship is dependent on democracy and human rights and our NCA will struggle towards this achievement
- Islam is embraced by the absolute majority of Afghanistan. We will make sure Islam and other religions are respected in the country, and we will not allow anybody to miss use Islam or other religions for their own end. From our point of view an sincere respect for the freedom of beliefs requires, so has shown the historical experience of Afghanistan and other countries of the world that in order to preserve the real chastity and sacredness of religion it is necessary that religion does not become a means of politics and enter the sphere of government
- In order to achieve the rule of law and protect the freedom of individuals it is necessary that forces be distinguished in the order of the power so that the judiciary must always be able to maintain its full independence and impartiality
- The principle of speech and opinion freedom and the freedom of press are one of the main principles of democracy. Political parties, workers union and associations with different political and social opinions must be allowed to exist provided their struggle is based on peaceful means any kind of dictatorship that takes away the individual or collective right of people is not acceptable by our party. And the law or a majority must not deprive individuals of their basic human rights that includes the freedom of opinion and the protection of ones life and property by law which are reflected in the world human rights declaration and other political civilized, economic, social and cultural rights conventions
- The National Congress of Afghanistan. believes that our Pashtoon and Baluchi brotheren who live on the other side of the so called the Durand line and who have political, traditional, religious, national, linguistic and other links and relations with the Afghans, have always enjoyed the support and solidarity of our people. Our party defends the legitimate cause of our Pashtoon and Baluchi brothers and wish to solve all disputed matters with our neighboring countries amicably
In The Economic sphere
The economic policies and the struggle of the party in the economic sphere will focus on achieving the following goals: Decades of war looting and destruction have caused colossal damage to the national economy of Afghanistan, as a result the process of reconstruction and development of the country is faced with serious obstacles therefore the realization of the reconstruction process of Afghanistan requires the activating of all domestic, economic potentials as well as attracting of international aids and foreign investment in the country

- Freedom of activity of productive forces and the state support of all activities that are carried out for the expansion and enhancement of the economic potentials and the living standards is regarded to be a main and useful principle. The state apart from some strategic sections must avoid being governed by the ownership of institutions. It must devote its resources to avoiding unfair competitions and monopolies and support the consumers and bring about conditions for the growth of economic institutions and industries
- In order to support and strengthen the agricultural sector it is essential that the rural villagers and the agriculture be developed and necessary services to the farmers through guaranteeing their agricultural products, development of industry, agricultural machinery and credit facilities be provided by the government
- In order to strengthen the industrial sector it is essential that the reconstruction of the country be carried out through educating the workforce with the modem technology and knowledge and bring about conditions for the new economic administration
- Our party believes that the construction of an economically developed society can be achieved through the free market competition and legal economic activities of all the people of society and foreign and local investor
- Along side free legislation in the economic sphere, encouragement of private investment, abolishing business and economic restrictions, it is essential that the production forces of the society be freed for free competition. The people of the society must not be deprived of the fruit of their labor, endeavors and initiatives. Likewise in order to expand the institutional ownership to all the people of the society and its workers through the creation of stockholder companies, its necessary that the national economy be shared on society level
In The Social Sphere
The main objective of the Natinal congress of Afghanistan in the social sphere is to lay the foundation of a civilized society in Afghanistan. In this sphere the activities of the party is based on the principles of the world declaration of human rights and democracy. Our social policies and struggles will focus on achieving the following objectives
- The idea of a civilized society is the necessary compiling title of democracy. As a result of the bitter experiences of dictatorship, this idea is very much in the focus of attention of today's world. A civilized society means the formation of voluntary organizations including political parties, social organizations and the existence of other opportunities, so that people can work together in the affairs that they like without the interference of the state. Likewise a civilized society means the full citizen rights and obligations and relations of the people of the society in a civilized manner
- In order to achieve the basis of a civilized society it is necessary that the rights and freedom of the people and their participation in all walks of life be obtained
- Safe guarding the rights and freedom of women as a big portion of society, the achievement of their participation in social political economic and cultural spheres of the country and bringing about the condition whereby women can have full political, social, legal and human rights
- In order to achieve to hygiene and medical treatment of the people it is necessary that clinical institutions and modem clinics be established. The government must also provide subsides for the free medical treatment of poorer residents
- In order to safe guard the rights of children, it is necessary that modern clinical centers and a network of mother and childcare be established. A profound attention to the sound upbringing and education of children must be given
- Unbiased political, tribal and linguistic care and attention for the handicaps and victims of the bereaved families of war must be provided
- Every endeavor must be made so that the land of the country is cleared from mines and the environment must be protected from pollution
- Waging of struggle against the cultivation, production, use and traffic of narcotics is a must
In The Cultural Sphere
Afghanistan has an old and enriched culture. The great historical treasure of our national culture reflects the patriotic, peaceful and freedom loving nature and feeling of the people of this land. The National Congress of Afghanistan, in order to achieve cultural development of the society will focus on the following objectives
- Science and technology, good education and high culture are the greatest factors of development of today's world. Tackling backwardness can only be achieved through the introduction of modem technology and the knowledge of science. In order to achieve this it is necessary that government allocate and guarantee a proper budget for free education and training on schools and higher education levels
- Schools, universities and higher educational and cultural institutions should be expanded and necessary conditions must be provided for the people especially for the youth to have free access to the world most developed scientific and cultural means
- The development of culture in the sphere of enlightenment affects society tremendously. For this purpose it is necessary that creative activities and scientific research of scholars and researchers towards raising the level of society be carried out so that the traditions of violence in the society are eliminated and be replaced with peace, sincerity and cultural development of the society
- Looking after people's talents equipping the country with new technology, development of cultural foundation throughout the country and opening doors to cultural achievements constitutes one of our party's main objectives. If that can be achieved the people of Afghanistan will have a secure future and a high level of welfare
- Culture is the vital factor of the development of society. Protection of historical values of our national culture, obtaining high human culture, freedom of art, cultural scientific and research activities, providing help to the growth of the rural cultures, encouragement of artists and researchers are the guide lines of our cultural program
- Necessary attention must be diverted so that governments make necessary and adequate investment for raising the level of education of the people especially that of the children and the youth. The children of Afghans must be familiarized with the national and humanistic values and be raised with open mindedness towards free scientific ideas
The foreign Policy Sphere
The National Congress of Afghanistan of Afghanistan. has continuously put before it the defense and consolidation of the national interest of the country as its fundamental foreign policy and will struggle for its achievement
- Defense of independence, territorial integrity, national sovereignty, and mutual cooperation with neighboring and other countries of the world and refraining from international conflicts
- Bringing about conducive conditions and attracting international cooperation for the restoration of fair peace, reconstruction and
democracy in the country. - Pursuit of independent and active policy in international affairs
- Adhere to the United Nations organizations, world declaration of human rights and all other international principals. - Establishment of mutually useful and friendly relations with international parties and organizations supportive of democracy and human rights in the world. - The return of the Afghan refugees to their homeland has now become a serious problem throughout the world. We believe that necessary conditions for their security and livelihood in the country must be provided before they can be returned on voluntary basis fully in accordance with Geneva Convention and the world human rights declaration

Biography of the honourable Issa Eshaghzey the President of the National Congress of Afghanistan
Issa Eshaghzey was born in a middle class family in 1337 (1958) in Kabul, Afghanistan. He has done his secondary education in Mahmood Tarzee High school and has followed his higher education in the field of law and political science in Kabul University. Mr. Mohammed Issa Eshaghzey has mostly been involved in political and legal activities
He has served in government offices in the legal, security and political sectors as well as a professor of social and political science at the Military Training Center of Kabul

Most of his political career has been devoted to his efforts in highlighting and exposing war criminals and human rights violators and has struggled against the radical religious fundamental elements. His such stand and political opinion has been reflected in the credible mass media and world publication. Like wise, for the sake of his own people and the restoration of peace and democracy in Afghanistan, he has participated in numerous conferences on an international level such as meeting with the president of the European Union, a member of the UK parliament and many other parties leaders who are defending democracy and human rights in Europe and the world at large. He has been a member of the Amnesty International and has struggled for more than twenty years in defence of human rights. In view of his competence, bravery and political and social criteria, he has been able to organise under very life threatening political circumstances some of the best afghan patriotic intellectuals in favour of democracy in Europe, Asia, America and Australia and from other countries to struggle against war, dictatorship and for lasting peace and the rule of law and democracy in Afghanistan. Mr.Mohammed Issa Eshaghzey believes ideological and totalitarian regimes to be the root cause of war, repression and corruption therefore he opts and struggles for a non- ideological the rule of law and  Democracy and the preservation of natural human and civil rights of the individual and the rule of law which can guarantee the life, liberty, equality and progress of the people. In the past 40 years of his political and social struggle he has convened and played an important role in circumstances away from his home land, a numerous political, social and academic conferences like Homeland Peace Front Congress, National Front and the conference of the National Unity Counsel for democracy which were aimed at uniting national and political personalities and the intellectuals in favour of democracy for Afghanistan. Mr.MohammedIssa Eshaghzey candidature was assessed by the  members in  3-10-2013th0  
congress Natinol and was unanimously elected as the President of the National Congress of Afghanistan 

Conference of the Democratic Parties

Dear my collaboration

Your Excellency  and your accompanying delegation. May I take this opportunity and welcome you to our meeting of the democratic party of Afghanistan. On behalf of my colleagues, let me thank you very much for your participation. The agenda of our meeting is: Defence of democracy and human rights in Afghanistan and all over the world

درین کنفرانس محمد عیسی اسحق زایی ریس کنگرس  ملی افغانستان و آقای فان کمپین هوت عضو پارلمان بلژیک  ، آقای نادر زاهدی معاون دبیر کل حزب مشروطه ایران و آقای پاول دویت نماینده حزب لیبرال دموکرات اروپا در بلژیک  و  ده ها تن ازفعالین سیاسی  احزاب اروپایی، حزب دموکراتهای ملی افغانستان و حزب مشروطه ایران شخصیت های مستقل ملی ، سیاسی و اکادمیک نیز حضور داشتند.و جهت ضرورت اتحاد نیروهای دموکرات علیه بنیاد گرایی ، تروریزم و نظامهای ایدیالوژیک سخنرانی کردند. آقای کمپین هوت بحیث نماینده اروپایی  به اعضای کنفرانس  تذکر دادند که وظیفه ما  بحیث مدافعین دموکراسی این است تا از نیروهای مدافع آزادی و حقوق بشر در منطقه و جهان حمایت کنیم.و نگذاریم صلح و آرامش در کشورهای مان به مخاطره مواجه گردد. و حقوق بشر بوسیله نظامهای دیکتاتوری خدشه دار شود.

                                                                 Dear my collaboration  
I hope you are keeping well in view of the deteriorating political and military situation in Afghanistan and the emergence of the unholy alliance of the extreme right and left in Afghanistan, it is made it all the more incumbent upon the supporters of democracy and human rights to unite In the light of the above, the Liberal Democratic Party of Afghanistan based in Belgium, have called a meeting under the agenda of: Defence of Democracy and Human rights vis a vis Totalitarian and Dictator regimes. Participants in this meeting will be members of the Constitutional Monarchy Party of Iran, The Liberal Democratic Party of Belgium VLD, the Democrat Party of Afghanistan, Ex Afghan Senators and a large number of Afghan residents, supporters of democracy and human rights
Time and date: 02/06/07 1500 hours local time
 National congress of Afghanistan
 ’ message to the national intellectualst   supportiv  
Democracy and.human rights in the region and the world 

 The Natinaol congreess of Afghanistan has consistently struggled to defend democracy and human rights in Afghanistan and sincerely continues to struggle towards achieving this aspiration. The leadership and the members of the party are united in the common belief that the main cause of war, destruction and violation in Afghanistan has been the establishment of totalitarian regimes by the left and right fanatical groups in the country with the help and assistance of their foreign masters. Ten years ago, we exposed and condemned the ominous intention of these extreme groups, who had joined hands to destroy UN peace and national reconciliation programme for their own ends, detrimental to national interest, peace and national reconciliation in Afghanistan. In 1992 .however, these fanatical and extreme forces managed to sabotage the UN programme in a coupe and sadly seized power, which was the beginning of the darkest and most tragic period in the history of Afghanistan the dimension of which still burns the bone and flesh of our nation. These fanatical Islamist forces have also caused great and serious challenge to the world peace and security

Despite the fact that the world and the people of Afghanistan at large are aware of their intrigues and ominous goals, exploiting the painful situation in the country, they have yet again resorted to misleading the nation by forming the so called National Front, so that hatch another conspiracy against national interest and the forces of peace and democracy and human rights and seize power through deception of the world community and demagogy by joining hands with the most reactionary .anti democracy and human rights forces in the region and continue to resort to their criminal acts like in the past

The liberal Democratic Party of Afghanistan, recognising extremist and terrorist forces as being the main cause of repression and dictatorship, call up on the national intellectuals, the defenders of democracy and human rights to join hands for the sake of peace and attainment of democracy and human rights, and repel any conspiracies hatched through formation of such unholy alliance by these extreme forces, so that another disaster can be prevented

The tragic and painful situation imposed by extremists and war mongering forces in our country and the region makes it incumbent up on all forces of peace and democracy and human rights to stand by one another and through their lawful and sound unity stop the advance of these extreme and terrorist groupings. Thus help succeed the people of Afghanistan establish a regime based on democracy and the rule of law and be freed from these fanatical forces and their dictatorial and totalitarian systems

 Issa Eshaghzey

president of the Natinaol congress of Afghanistan. 

Issa Eshaghzey president of the Afghan National Congress
 interview with BBC Radio

National Congress President's meeting with a senior member of the European Union
Mr. Issa Eshaghzey the President of the Afghan National Congress  met with
 Mr Bart Somers president of the the liberal Democrat party of Belguim Mr  Guy Verhofstadt. the President of the Liberal democrats  a senior member of the  European  Union at parliamen
 Mr Ludo Van Campenhout member of the Belgium Parliamen   During the meeting, the two leaders discussed the painful situation emanation from war a corruption as well as the danger of radicalism in Afghanistan. The two sides  stressed the need for cooperation and unity between the NCA and Belgium and the European Union towards the defense of a government based on  democracy and the rule of law and holding a transparent and democratic elections and upholding  human rights against the armed warlords, corruption and radicalism in Afghanistan. It was decided that they would struggle together for the attainment of the above goals and mutually beneficial interests.
       The Natinol congerss of Afghanistan. based on the main principals of the party which is the defence of the natural rights, human rights and civil rights of individuals so that peace, national unity and the rule of law based on democracy can be achieved in Afghanistan. Likewise the purpose of the rule of law and  democracy is a non-ideological regime and the procurement of a humane law in society, so that any kind of class, racial, ethnic, tribal, religious, gender prejudices and privileges be put an end to, instead moral and human values be upheld 


                   Conference for Democracy and Human Rights

For Peace and Justice in Afghanistan
Issa Eshaghzey President of the Afghan National Congress
he was interview in ‌‌‌‌‌‌‌Brussels on 10-2-1999,by Pakistani news
Magazine Jeddojuhd
                                                                                  what is the Present Situation in Afghanista
 Afghanistan is passing through the darkest period in her history.religious fanatics with the active collaboration of the worlds rightist forces are controlling most of the country. since1992. the fundamentalists have dominated the power bases in Afghanistan. it was the mujahideen who destroyed museums, plundered the cities abolished human rights,and looted and murdered the residents, Now,nothing is left but a vastruin of what was once the hub of a great civilisation      
 what Stepis your N.C.A Taking to Change
After falling victim to both left and right extremes, the Afghanis have come to the conclusion that extremes connot bring peace and progress, the russian invasin had the support of the left extremists and the mujahideen were backed by the right extremists of pakistan, saudiarabia, egypt ,lebanon,Iran and many other fanatical religious groups. both extremes were responsible for the violation of basic human rights.
the NCA is fighting for the rights and freedom of the Afghan people. we are unveiling the atrocities and crimes of the extremist Talibon. We are trying to mobilise and bring together all demcracy and justice- loving Afghan political parties and groups in order to pave the road for a peoples elected government in Afganistan.
Tell us about the recently formed Alliance for
Peace in Afghanistan.APA
the APA formed in order to bring the war to an end and establish long-lasting peace . The liberal party worked day and night to bring to- gether the six political parties that are now members of the alliance.
on february 7, the six parties held their congress under the banner of APA in Frankfurt, Germany.A number of well-known freedom fighters also attended APA was fomed and the liberal party was elected the leader of the alliance for six months.
what is the Program of the APA
 The program is to take steps that would end the war, esablish justice,replace the ethnic and religious antagonism with social harmony, to prevent Afganistan from disintegration.to check external intervention in the internal affairs of our country ,to make a meeting of an elected loyajirga(parliament) possible, to work for the estabilishment of a national govermment and to write a new constitution.
 The govermment of china has recently
established contact with the Taliban
and a trade agreement between the two is
said to be in the Offing, What is your

 it must be remembered that it was our govermment that made the  Russian troops go home on february-15,1988 Since, until the success of the Mujahideen in 1992, we ran the country independently.from day one. we obbjected to the Russian interfer ence in our internal affairs. Now we strongly codemn the chinese interference. it is beyond comprehension how the Chinese can justify establishing friendly contact with the inhuman religious fanatics who are responsible for the destruction of civilisation in our country . the Chinese govermment is shaking hand with the murderers of human rights, The Taliban are not recognised by any govermment in the world except  the govermments of Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.
 What will the regional and international
repercussions of the Chinese - Taliban
friendship be

 Ideologically, the Chinese and Taliban seem opposite to each other . This is an unholy alliance and one against the will of the people of China and the Afghanistan. The spread of religious fanaticisim to the border of China will bring havoc to the people of China. it worries us a great deal that a member of the UN Security Council is establishing contact with the Taliban fanatics We see this as a shameful attempt to put the Taliban in the vacant seat of Afganistan in the UN
We therefore appeal to all those who fight for justice to condemn this evil act of international diplomacy, and help the democratie forces and the struggling womem to restore peace and democracy in Afghanistan so that it can play a progressive role not only the region but world 

برای صلح و عدالت در افغانستان
عیسی اسحاقزی رئیس کانگرس ملی افغانستان
 در تاریخ 10/2/1999 در بروکسل توسط اخبار پاکستان  مجله جدوجهد مصاحبه کرد.
 در مورد وضعیت افغانستان ارایه نمود
         وضعیت کنونی در افغانستان چگونه است ؟
  افغانستان در حال گذراندن سیاه ترین دوره در تاریخ خود است. متعصبان مذهبی با همکاری فعال نیروهای راستگرای جهان اکثر مناطق کشور را تحت کنترل دارند. از سال 1992 بنیادگرایان بر پایگاه های قدرت در افغانستان تسلط دارند. این مجاهدین بودند که موزه‌ها را ویران کردند، شهرها را غارت کردند و حقوق بشر را لغو و بطور خشن نقض کردند، و کشور را غارت کردند و هزار ها وط ما را به قتل رساندند، اکنون چیزی جز یک مخروبه از آنچه زمانی مرکز تمدن بزرگ بود باقی نمانده است.
   کانگرس ملی افغانستان برای تغییر چه چیزی را انجام می دهد .
پس از قربانی شدن  مردم توسط افراط‌ی های چپ و راست، افغان‌ها به این نتیجه رسیده‌اند که افراط‌گرایی به معنای صلح و پیشرفت نیست، مهاجم روس از حمایت افراط‌گرایان چپ برخوردار بود و مجاهدین توسط افراط‌گرایان راست پاکستان، عربستان سعودی و مصر حمایت می‌شدند. لبنان، ایران و بسیاری دیگر از گروه های مذهبی متعصب. هر دو گروه افراطی مسئول نقض حقوق اولیه بشر بودند.
کانگرس ملی برای حقوق و آزادی مردم افغانستان مبارزه می کند. ما در حال رونمایی از جنایات و جنایات طالبان افراطی هستیم. ما در تلاش هستیم تا تمامی احزاب و گروه های سیاسی دموکراسی و عدالتخواه افغانستان را بسیج و گرد هم آوریم تا راه را برای حکومت منتخب مردم در افغانستان هموار کنیم.
از اتحادی که اخیراً تشکیل شده برای ما بگویید
جبهه آزادی و عدالت برای صلح در افغانستان.
 به منظور پایان دادن به جنگ و برقراری صلح طولانی مدت تشکیل شد. کانگرس ملی شبانه روز تلاش کرد تا ده های سازمان اجتماعی واحزب سیاسی را که اکنون عضو اتحاد ماهستند، گرد هم آورد.
در 7 فوریه، شش حزب کنگره خود را زیر پرچم کانگرس ملی در فرانکفورت آلمان برگزار کردند. تعدادی از مبارزان سرشناس آزادیخواه  نیز در  این جبهه شرکت کردند و کانگرس ملی  به مدت شش ماه به عنوان رهبر اتحاد انتخاب شد.
برنامه جبه صلح چیست؟
  این برنامه برداشتن گام هایی است که جنگ را خاتمه می دهد، عدالت را برقرار می کند، هماهنگی اجتماعی را جایگزین تضاد قومی و مذهبی می کند، از تجزیه افغانستان جلوگیری می کند، مداخله خارجی در امور داخلی کشورمان را بررسی می کند، برای تشکیل جلسه منتخب. loyajirga (پارلمان) ممکن است، برای ایجاد یک دولت ملی و نوشتن یک قانون اساسی جدید تلاش کند.
  دولت چین اخیرا
با طالبان تماس برقرار کرد
و یک قرارداد تجاری بین هم انجام داده اند
نظر شما چیست؟
 . ما به شدت مداخله چینی را محکوم می کنیم. غیر قابل باور است  که چگونه چینی ها می توانند برقراری ارتباط دوستانه با متعصبان مذهبی افراطی را که مسئول نابودی تمدن و ازادی در کشور ما هستند، توجیه کنند. دولت چین با قاتلان حقوق بشر دست می دهد، طالبان را هیچ دولتی در جهان به جز دولت های پاکستان و عربستان سعودی به رسمیت نمی شناسد.
  موضع منطقه ای و بین المللی چه خواهد بود
در مورددوستی چینی ها - طالبان
  از نظر ایدئولوژیک چینی ها و طالبان مخالف یکدیگر به نظر می رسند. این یک اتحاد نامقدس و مخالف خواست مردم چین و افغانستان است. گسترش تعصب مذهبی به مرزهای چین برای مردم چین ویرانی به همراه خواهد داشت. این ما را بسیار نگران می کند که یکی از اعضای شورای امنیت سازمان ملل در حال برقراری تماس با متعصبان طالبان است.
ما از همه کسانی که برای عدالت مبارزه می‌کنند می‌خواهیم این اقدام شیطانی دیپلماسی بین‌المللی را محکوم کنند و به نیروهای دموکرات و زنان که مبارز میکنند کمک کنند تا صلح و دموکراسی را در افغانستان بازگردانند تا بتواند نقش مترقی را نه تنها درافغانستان ٬ منطقه بلکه در جهان ایفا کند.

To His Excellency Ban Ki Moon

The UN General Secretary
Then fanatical and extreme religious forces in the region and the world at large under the name of so called sharia law and Islam mercilessly violate the civil, political and social freedom and liberties of the Muslim citizens of our country. They imply human rights as a message from the infidels and the west and wish to carry on with their tyrant, repressive and fanatical dictatorial regime, resorting to fanatical dictatorship through fake religious legitimacy and thus with the help of such violent traditions and demagogic behaviour, wish to carry on with their violation of human rights and liberties
It is ironical that these fanatical forces behave in a coordinated manner in the region
We’ve recently had another violation of human rights by the Iranian repressive regime with regards to Mr. Ali Mahaqiq Nasab, the afghan journalist who was arrested in January 2008 in the city of Khom and transferred to an unknown location in contradiction with all human rights. While condemning this brutal action of human rights violation and persecution in the strongest terms, the Democrat Party of Afghanistan is requesting your Excellency with due respect to kindly interfere in the matter and help release the Afghan journalist. This is not only the violation of human rights of all those who have a different opinion and opposed to the Iranian regimes, but an interference in the internal affairs of Afghanistan
The Democrat party of Afghanistan have constantly called upon the intellectuals and defenders of human rights to unite in the fight against fanatical Islamic extremism and repel their plots and conspiracies and pre-empt their actions from impeding the process of peace, stability and progress in our country and the region. We also call upon the US, the EU and all the democratic forces of the world to back the defenders of democracy so that the terrorist and the extremist militants are stopped
With kind regards
The central council of the  National Congress of Afghanistan. 


Ban Ki-Moon and the post of UN Secretary-General

Ban Ki-Moon takes up office at UN Secretary-General on the 1st January 2007. What is the role of Secretary-General and how will Ban Ki-Moon carry it out?
Generally speaking, the United Nations is not a wholly popular organization in the United States. It is certainly not popular with the Bush Administration over the stand taken by Kofi Annan on the war in Iraq. Annan deplored the notion of unilateral action. The United States view is that the Secretary-General is essentially an administrator, presiding over the management of the complex set of organizations (fourteen directly in the system and a number that are allied to it) that make up the United Nations. Annan adjusted the role to one of highly-level diplomacy (building on changes made by earlier Secretary-Generals) but in the process let the ball drop with respect to managerial issues and corruption in the oil-for-food program was thought to be the result. Annan was open to the creative conflicts within the job and chose to raise issues of reform, and the marginalization of Africa whilst keeping a focus on poverty and peace.
The ‘job specification’ is it would seem, both specific and general. Specifically the Secretary-General is defined as the ‘chief administrative officer’ and therefore the efficiency or better still I would argue, the effectiveness of United Nations activities are the direct responsibility of the Secretary General whoever he or she may be. CAO or CEO functions include reporting, monitoring, evaluating and prioritizing. Additional activities can be delegated to the Secretary-General from the Security Council. According to the Secretary-General’s web site, an exceptionally significant role is that of ‘good offices’ — mediating both in public and in private to prevent the escalation of disputes amongst Member States. However, the context is the fluid world of international relations and in a context of rapid change and enhanced danger, the role and the person occupying it needs to adjust and adapt and, above all, that person needs to get the balance right. It has been ever thus and Ban Ki-Moon is taking office in a period that some see as the most dangerous of times (though others look to the positive range of achievements that have also taken place since the end of the Cold War).
The role is complex. At the moment, the United States has one set of expectations about the office and some of the wider Membership has a differing set. China is not yet clearly determined on any particular role in the organization; it is still working out what its role in the international arena is to be. This is illustrated to some extent by its critical comments against North Korea and by its hesitancy over being too tough (for reasons that are perhaps largely pragmatic). Any Secretary-General needs to win the respect and confidence of all the Member States and, at least to some extent, reach to the wider international public in order to enhance effectiveness and respect.
How does Ban Ki-Moon see his role? He intends, according to his acceptance speech, delivered in English and with some passages in French, to build upon Annan’s legacy with respect to peace and prosperity. He has been given considerable time to prepare for the post. He has made it clear that he will ‘consult widely on how best to proceed with our common agenda of reform and revitalization’. This ought to help him ease his way into office with some sort of an agenda. He is clear that the promise of the United Nations is useless without delivery. An emergent theme may be that of promising less and of delivering more. He sees the UN in the 21st century as an institution that helps ‘to strengthen the inter-state system so that humanity may be better served amidst new challenges’. He will continue Kofi Annan’s aim, according to his speech, ‘to protect the most vulnerable members of humanity’. The reform agenda will be continued though the Members need to be on board. In the process he has committed himself to remain faithful to the principles of ‘harmonious leadership’ that he has incorporated into his diplomatic life. Holding the UN system and its administrators to the ‘highest standards of professionalism’ will be essential to his mission. Ban Ki-Moon was careful not to spell out in detail his priorities and to ensure Member States that he will now engage in a period of listening.
Ban Ki-Moon’s speech seems to put him more in the chief executive camp than in the high-level diplomat camp and this no doubt pleases the United States. Keeping on the right side of the United Sates is significant for the role but how this is achieved needs to be the outcome of a management strategy on the part of the Secretary-General. Within the UN he will need to establish his even-handedness with respect to all Members. The fact that he has also earned China’s support is interesting as it implied that it too is favourable to issues relating to good administration. This ‘chief executive’ approach seems to conform to what is known about his style. The BBC’s Charles Scanlon talks of Ban Ki-Moon’s ‘consensual style’ and his preference for ‘the back-room deal over the grand public gesture’. Saying less and delivering more, through careful and patient consensus building, can be an optimal strategy in tricky situations. Influence rather than power is the way to proceed. It may just be that Ban Ki-Mon has the right collection of skills and appropriate experience of making diplomatic judgments likely to be required for success. In this, only time will tell.

His Excellency Ban Ki Moon,
The UN General Secretary
Then fanatical and extreme religious forces in the region and the world at large under the name of so called sharia law and Islam mercilessly violate the civil, political and social freedom and liberties of the Muslim citizens of our country. They imply human rights as a message from the infidels and the west and wish to carry on with their tyrant, repressive and fanatical dictatorial regime, resorting to fanatical dictatorship through fake religious legitimacy and thus with the help of such violent traditions and demagogic behaviour, wish to carry on with their violation of human rights and liberties
It is ironical that these fanatical forces behave in a coordinated manner in the region
We’ve recently had another violation of human rights by the Iranian repressive regime with regards to Mr. Ali Mahaqiq Nasab, the afghan journalist who was arrested in January 2008 in the city of Khom and transferred to an unknown location in contradiction with all human rights. While condemning this brutal action of human rights violation and persecution in the strongest terms, the Democrat Party of Afghanistan is requesting your Excellency with due respect to kindly interfere in the matter and help release the Afghan journalist. This is not only the violation of human rights of all those who have a different opinion and opposed to the Iranian regimes, but an interference in the internal affairs of Afghanistan
The  Democrat party of Afghanistan have constantly called upon the intellectuals and defenders of human rights to unite in the fight against fanatical Islamic extremism and repel their plots and conspiracies and pre-empt their actions from impeding the process of peace, stability and progress in our country and the region. We also call upon the US, the EU and all the democratic forces of the world to back the defenders of democracy so that the terrorist and the extremist militants are stopped
With kind regards

The central council of theNational Congress  of Afghanistan.

Please visit our website, your comments are welcome

The message of the National Congress of Afghanistan and the Council for National Understanding with Tribes dated 1st of June to the United Nation.

His Excellency
Ban Ki Moon the UN General secretary

The National Congress of Afghanistan (NDPA) have consistently struggled for the salvation of Afghanistan on the basis of declaration of human rights aimed at getting rid of the menace of extremism and repelling terrorism and Islamic fundamentalism ,so that a just peace and the rule of law and democracy is established. Based on the recognition of the Afghan society and the structure of the political forces of Afghanistan and in the region and we would like to put forward the following proposals to the summit.
The N.C.A while supporting the efforts of the international community at the Bonn conference of 2001 which was aimed at defeating terrorism and Islamic fundamentalism in Afghanistan would like to point out the flaws that were committed in the Bonn conference by the international community. The ouster of the Taliban from power had raised popular expectations among the helpless people of Afghanistan to finally embrace peace, security, justice, and freedom. To their utmost regret, however, all their cherished hopes were shattered. Instead of empowering the democratic and national forces politically and economically, predatory warlords--- who had brutalized and traumatized their people and committed large scale human rights abuses, incredible as it seems—were put into political positions of power and were given millions of dollars in cash. It is not surprising that relying on these warlords who have no or little education or principles, in the war on terror, has been a major strategic blunder perpetrated by the U.S. – led allies resulting in the alienation of the Afghan populous, especially the Pashtun tribes.
On the other hand, the Taliban and Al-Qaeda and their Pakistani mentors took advantage of the widespread discontent caused by the appalling nature of governance; rampant corruption; and total disregard and disdain for the rule of law; and travesty of the principles of justice to forward their own sordid and vicious schemes.
Strangely enough, Western powers are still oblivious to the stark fact that Mr. Karzai and his cronies are a liability rather than an asset in their mission to combat terrorism, pursuing a flawed strategy supporting an inept and corrupt Kabul regime. America spent billions of dollars to legitimize the Karzai government and have failed. Now European leaders paying visit to him are repeating United States mistakes.
We believe that at the Bonn conference, decisions were made very hastily and careful attention has not been paid to the political mechanism and the rights of Afghanistan. As a result, fundamentalist groups in favour of ideological regimes with the help of the mafia network and the ideological regimes in the region, managed to include their anti-democratic and anti-western individuals in the political system of Afghanistan. They enjoy the financial, intelligence and political support to establish themselves. Availing themselves of the domestic and regional opportunities by violating the Bonn Accord, they have entered Kabul and taken the key political positions in the government They have established a weak management which is mostly made up of armed commanders and. Jihadi leaders who don’t believe in peace and the rule of law , human rights and security of the people themselves. Unfortunately these violators of human rights who’s rapacious and dreadful character who are known to the people of Afghanistan and have consistently violated the national interest of Afghanistan and were the principal reason for the emergence of Taliban and Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, are re-established and given military, economic, and political authorities and privileges. With the absence of a sound national and democratic leadership, these fanatical extremist anti-western forces once again, in coalition with communist groups have united as a threat to democracy and the West. The state organs of Afghanistan, despite the huge international help, are becoming a source of anti-western propaganda themselves. They abuse the system by instigating the nationalistic and religious feelings of the people against the West.
We propose the following:
1- It is for the international community and governments to support and strengthen the forces of democracy and human rights and those who uphold democratic values and national interests of Afghanistan who are ready to fight and struggle against terrorism and Islamic fundamentalism.
2- The International community must help replace the present corrupt and inept leadership with a professional democratic one which is committed to democracy and national unity of the country.
3- In order to win the hearts and minds of the people of Afghanistan and restore confidence, the International community is strongly required to bring the warlords to justice and remove them from power as the only option available in the interest of peace and security in Afghanistan.
4- The international forces in Afghanistan is expected to stop the repression of the warlords and help bring an end to corruption and drug trafficking in Afghanistan.
5- NATO is expected to train, equip and strengthen the armed forces of Afghanistan on the basis of equal opportunity for everybody in Afghanistan. The present system requires fundamental reforms. The people of Afghanistan need a national army and a national police capable of defending the country and defeating the enemy by bringing peace, security, justice and freedom to the people of Afghanistan.
6- Reconstruction of Afghanistan and the fight against terrorism must go hand in hand. We must reach out to the rural areas where you have a large number of young people sitting idle deprived of education and work. These young individuals are a great source of recruitment for the Taliban.
7- As regards the NATO involvement in Afghanistan, we sincerely believe that we must fight terrorism across the border. We must cut their routes of supplies by all means. We must besiege the enemy and cut off their routes of supplies by seizing their main ports and their main incoming routes and that will only be possible if we go across the border and seize the territory surrounding and the areas around where Alqaeda is based. Otherwise NATO will face the same fate as the Russians did in Afghanistan many years ago. The government of Musharaf must be pressurized to help in this common goal, that will be the only way to defeat terrorism in the region. Lots of work must be done In the Waziristan area, to be able to bring some of the tribes on our side, and if war breaks out among the troubled tribes, we must provide ample facilities by establishing proper camps for their refugees so that they can use our territory as their strategic depth against their enemy

8- International community has not yet used the national intellectual reserves of Afghanistan who think un-ideological and democratically. The absence of national and democratic movement in Afghanistan and the ascent to power of the groups within the political and judiciary system of Afghanistan, the spirit of opposition to the freedom of opinion and speech, freedom of media the absence of individual security, political assassination, violation of woman’s rights, threats to human’s rights activists, anti-western provocation, have been on the increase in recent years. Anti-western provocation. As a result, Investment in Afghanistan is decreasing and the activities of the democratic foundations are restricted. We therefore believe that without a sound administration and an absence of a humane and democratic law, it will be impossible to overcome the security difficulties in Afghanistan and defeat terrorism. Before it is too late, NATO and the international community must strive to bring about conditions for establishing the rule of law and a democratic government in compliance with the aspiration of the people of Afghanistan. We must free the people of Afghanistan from the menace of fundamental Islamic extremism and ideological regimes.
Yours Sincerely,
Issa Eshaghzey
President of the National congress of Afghanistan


                  A message of the National congerss of

 Afghanistan to the NATO summit meeting dated 4t O

of April 2008 in Bucharest, Romania. Your
Excellency’s members of the NATO
The National congress of Afghanistan. (NDPA) have consistently struggled for the salvation of Afghanistan on the basis of declaration of human rights aimed at getting rid of the menace of extremism and repelling terrorism and Islamic fundamentalism ,so that a just peace and the rule of law and democracy is established. Based on the recognition of the Afghan society and the structure of the political forces of Afghanistan and in the region and we would like to put forward the following proposals to the summit
The NCA while supporting the efforts of the international community at the Bonn conference of 2001 which was aimed at defeating terrorism and Islamic fundamentalism in Afghanistan would like to point out the flaws that were committed in the Bonn conference by the international community. The ouster of the Taliban from power had raised popular expectations among the helpless people of Afghanistan to finally embrace peace, security, justice, and freedom. To their utmost regret, however, all their cherished hopes were shattered. Instead of empowering the democratic and national forces politically and economically, predatory warlords--- who had brutalized and traumatized their people and committed large scale human rights abuses, incredible as it seems—were put into political positions of power and were given millions of dollars in cash. It is not surprising that relying on these warlords who have no or little education or principles, in the war on terror, has been a major strategic blunder perpetrated by the U.S. – led allies resulting in the alienation of the Afghan populous
On the other hand, the Taliban and Al-Qaeda and their fundamentalist group in Pakistani mentors took advantage of the widespread discontent caused by the appalling nature of governance; rampant corruption; and total disregard and disdain for the rule of law; and travesty of the principles of justice to forward their own sordid and vicious schemes
Strangely enough, Western powers are still oblivious to the stark fact that Mr. Karzai and his cronies are a liability rather than an asset in their mission to combat terrorism, pursuing a flawed strategy supporting an inept and corrupt Kabul regime. America spent billions of dollars to legitimize the Karzai government and have failed 
We believe that at the Bonn conference, decisions were made very hastily and careful attention has not been paid to the political mechanism and the rights of Afghanistan. As a result, fundamentalist groups in favour of ideological regimes with the help of the mafia network and the ideological regimes in the region, managed to include their anti-democratic and anti-western individuals in the political system of Afghanistan. They enjoy the financial, intelligence and political support to establish themselves. Availing themselves of the domestic and regional opportunities by violating the Bonn Accord, they have entered Kabul and taken the key political positions in the government They have established a weak management which is mostly made up of armed commanders and. Jihadi leaders who donot believe in peace and the rule of law , human rights and security of the people themselves. Unfortunately these violators of human rights who’s rapacious and dreadful character who are known to the people of Afghanistan and have consistently violated the national interest of Afghanistan and were the principal reason for the emergence of Taliban and Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, are re-established and given military, economic, and political authorities and privileges. With the absence of a sound national and democratic leadership, these fanatical extremist anti-western forces once again, in coalition with communist groups have united as a threat to democracy and the West. The state organs of Afghanistan, despite the huge international help, are becoming a source of anti-western propaganda themselves. They abuse the system by instigating the nationalistic and religious feelings of the people against the WestWe propose the following
 It is for the NATO states and governments to support and strengthen the forces of democracy and human rights and those who uphold democratic values and national interests of Afghanistan who are ready to fight and struggle against terrorism and Islamic fundamentalism
 NATO must replace the present corrupt and inept leadership with a professional democratic one which is committed to democracy and national unity of the country
 In order to win the hearts and minds of the people of Afghanistan and restore confidence, NATO is required to bring the warlords to justice and remove them from power as the only option available

 NATO is expected to stop the repression of the warlords and put an end to corruption and drug trafficking in Afghanistan

 NATO is expected to train, equip and strengthen the armed forces of Afghanistan on the basis of equal opportunity for everybody in Afghanistan. The present system requires fundamental reforms. The people of Afghanistan need a national army and a national police capable of defending the country and defeating the enemy by bringing peace, security, justice and freedom to the people of Afghanistan

 Reconstruction of Afghanistan and the fight against terrorism must go hand in hand. We must reach out to the rural areas where you have a large number of young people sitting idle deprived of education and work. These young individuals are a great source of recruitment for the Taliban

 As regards the NATO involvement in Afghanistan, we sincerely believe that we must fight terrorism across the border. We must cut their routes of supplies by all means. We must besiege the enemy and cut off their routes of supplies by seizing their main ports and their main incoming routes and that will only be possible if we go across the border and seize the territory surrounding and the areas around where Alqaeda is based. Otherwise NATO will face the same fate as the Russians did in Afghanistan many years ago. The government of Musharaf must be pressurized to help in this common goal, that will be the only way to defeat terrorism in the region. Lots of work must be done In the Waziristan area, to be able to bring some of the tribes on our side, and if war breaks out among the troubled tribes, we must provide ample facilities by establishing proper camps for their refugees so that they can use our territory as their strategic depth against their enemy

 International community has not yet used the national intellectual reserves of Afghanistan who think un-ideological and democratically. The absence of national and democratic movement in Afghanistan and the ascent to power of the groups within the political and judiciary system of Afghanistan, the spirit of opposition to the freedom of opinion and speech, freedom of media the absence of individual security, political assassination, violation of woman’s rights, threats to human’s rights activists, anti-western provocation, have been on the increase in recent years. Anti-western provocation. As a result, Investment in Afghanistan is decreasing and the activities of the democratic foundations are restricted. We therefore believe that without a sound administration and an absence of a humane and democratic law, it will be impossible to overcome the security difficulties in Afghanistan and defeat terrorism. Before it is too late, NATO and the international community must strive to bring about conditions for establishing the rule of law and a democratic government in compliance with the aspiration of the people of Afghanistan. We must free the people of Afghanistan from the menace of fundamental Islamic extremism and ideological regimes

May we take this opportunity and congratulate you on the summit and we hope that the conference be a successful one in bringing peace, security, and justice to Afghanistan and the world at large

Yours Sincerely

 The leadership council of the National  Congress of Afghanistan


 National Congress of Afghanistan’
message to
the national intellectuals supportive of democracy and
human rights in the region and the world
The National Congress of Afghanistan for the sake of Democracey and Peace and human ritghs in Afghanistan have struggled against the left and right extreme forces who are the main cause of war and dictatorship in our society for many International communtity for the Liberation of the people of Afghanistan from the clutches of terrony and repression of the extreme forces and have raised this issue the president of the EU member of the Parliament in London and internatioal organization in favor of democracy and human rights and we have continuously worked for the awareness of our people and the international Community through our communique and meeting It.s a matter of grave concern that so far contrary to the principles of democracy and the whishes of the Afghan nation. peace and security has not been maintained , freedom of thout and speech has not been guarateed and our people continue to suffer under the war lords and fundamental religious forcec repression
Unfortunately despite the pledges of the internatioinal community and UN for the defeuse of democracy and human rights, the have not been able to and distract the power of the various so called islamice parties and warlords which have been the cause of war repression, dictatorship, and violation of human rights in our coutry in the past three decades and on the contrary these extreme forces have been cncouragcd and brought to power. Such fundamentalist forccs have managed to seize power and monopolized the three main pillars of the government i,e the judiciary, legislative and executive powers by means of deceit and bully
Financial and administrative corruption, drug dealing has been the order of the day. Lack in unbiased, fair and prudent judiciary system which is one of the main principles in a democratic society, and the absence of sound administration has taken a toll on the defenseless and suffering pe people of Afghanistan. The National Congress of Afghanistan believes and proposes the following
 Without a soud administration and managment and a democratic law, any sacrifice of the people of Afganistan and the international communitiec help in support towards security and reconstruction and the rule of law and democracy, will not bring tangible results
 In order to bring about sccurty democracy progress and freedom to the people of Afghanistan and get rid of fundamentalism, the people of Afghanistan need international help and support tremendously
 the present government must give accounts of all the financial aids, since the bon conference, that are provided by international communities to the people of Afghanistan in a transparent way they are accoutable before the people of Afganistan and the world community
 such financial aids must be targeted and fundamental strategie projects for the people of Afghanistan and should be spent on raising the living stands of the people of Afganistan
 for the purpose of controlling supervision of the expenses and distribution of such financial aids so that such funds are spent wisely, a commission composed of national and international members is urgently required to be set up so that it could oversee international aids, which have been pledged at various international conferences such as London conference
   with kind regards
 issa Eshaghzey                        
  President of the  National Congress of Afghanistan

Ban Ki-Moon and the post of UN Secretary-General

Ban Ki-Moon takes up office at UN Secretary-General on the 1st January 2007. What is the role of Secretary-General and how will Ban Ki-Moon carry it out?


nerally speaking, the United Nations is not a wholly popular organization in the United States. It is certainly not popular with the Bush Administration over the stand taken by Kofi Annan on the war in Iraq. Annan deplored the notion of unilateral action. The United States view is that the Secretary-General is essentially an administrator, presiding over the management of the complex set of organizations (fourteen directly in the system and a number that are allied to it) that make up the United Nations. Annan adjusted the role to one of highly-level diplomacy (building on changes made by earlier Secretary-Generals) but in the process let the ball drop with respect to managerial issues and corruption in the oil-for-food program was thought to be the result. Annan was open to the creative conflicts within the job and chose to raise issues of reform, and the marginalization of Africa whilst keeping a focus on poverty and peace.
The ‘job specification’ is it would seem, both specific and general. Specifically the Secretary-General is defined as the ‘chief administrative officer’ and therefore the efficiency or better still I would argue, the effectiveness of United Nations activities are the direct responsibility of the Secretary General whoever he or she may be. CAO or CEO functions include reporting, monitoring, evaluating and prioritizing. Additional activities can be delegated to the Secretary-General from the Security Council. According to the Secretary-General’s web site, an exceptionally significant role is that of ‘good offices’ — mediating both in public and in private to prevent the escalation of disputes amongst Member States. However, the context is the fluid world of international relations and in a context of rapid change and enhanced danger, the role and the person occupying it needs to adjust and adapt and, above all, that person needs to get the balance right. It has been ever thus and Ban Ki-Moon is taking office in a period that some see as the most dangerous of times (though others look to the positive range of achievements that have also taken place since the end of the Cold War).
The role is complex. At the moment, the United States has one set of expectations about the office and some of the wider Membership has a differing set. China is not yet clearly determined on any particular role in the organization; it is still working out what its role in the international arena is to be. This is illustrated to some extent by its critical comments against North Korea and by its hesitancy over being too tough (for reasons that are perhaps largely pragmatic). Any Secretary-General needs to win the respect and confidence of all the Member States and, at least to some extent, reach to the wider international public in order to enhance effectiveness and respect.
How does Ban Ki-Moon see his role? He intends, according to his acceptance speech, delivered in English and with some passages in French, to build upon Annan’s legacy with respect to peace and prosperity. He has been given considerable time to prepare for the post. He has made it clear that he will ‘consult widely on how best to proceed with our common agenda of reform and revitalization’. This ought to help him ease his way into office with some sort of an agenda. He is clear that the promise of the United Nations is useless without delivery. An emergent theme may be that of promising less and of delivering more. He sees the UN in the 21st century as an institution that helps ‘to strengthen the inter-state system so that humanity may be better served amidst new challenges’. He will continue Kofi Annan’s aim, according to his speech, ‘to protect the most vulnerable members of humanity’. The reform agenda will be continued though the Members need to be on board. In the process he has committed himself to remain faithful to the principles of ‘harmonious leadership’ that he has incorporated into his diplomatic life. Holding the UN system and its administrators to the ‘highest standards of professionalism’ will be essential to his mission. Ban Ki-Moon was careful not to spell out in detail his priorities and to ensure Member States that he will now engage in a period of listening.
Ban Ki-Moon’s speech seems to put him more in the chief executive camp than in the high-level diplomat camp and this no doubt pleases the United States. Keeping on the right side of the United Sates is significant for the role but how this is achieved needs to be the outcome of a management strategy on the part of the Secretary-General. Within the UN he will need to establish his even-handedness with respect to all Members. The fact that he has also earned China’s support is interesting as it implied that it too is favourable to issues relating to good administration. This ‘chief executive’ approach seems to conform to what is known about his style. The BBC’s Charles Scanlon talks of Ban Ki-Moon’s ‘consensual style’ and his preference for ‘the back-room deal over the grand public gesture’. Saying less and delivering more, through careful and patient consensus building, can be an optimal strategy in tricky situations. Influence rather than power is the way to proceed. It may just be that Ban Ki-Mon has the right collection of skills and appropriate experience of making diplomatic judgments likely to be required for success. In this, only time will tell.